Zoning & Development

Discretionary Use Application

None under consideration at this time.

Under the Zoning Bylaw, the proposed use of a Mobile Home within the Hamlet District is a discretionary use which requires public notification and Council approval to authorize the use.

The Council will review for approval two (2) applications for a Mobile Home to be relocated into the Hamlet District, one into Waitville and one into Yellow Creek.

The applications will be considered for approval by Council at the August 14, 2024 council meeting.  Any comments must be submitted in writing by 9AM on August 14th to be considered during Council's review of the applications.

Recent Activity

Under the Zoning Bylaw, the following proposed uses are a discretionary use which requires public notification and Council approval to authorize the use.

Crystal Ridge - Mobile Home (Renovated ATCO Trailer)

Location: Lot 15, Blk 4 - 228 Bouchard Lane

Proposed Use Details:  Addition of a 12' x 40' mobile home as a dwelling which will be renovated from an ATCO Trailer in accordance with the National Building Code * Professional Architect report describing the requirements of the renovation is included within the application *  The site contains an existing RV.  To view a copy of the redacted application, click here

DECISION: Council reviewed the application described above at the July 10, 2024 council meeting.  The application was denied as the proposed use was deemed industrial and does not conform to the definition of a dwelling.

Waitville - Relocated Residence

Location: Lot 3, Block 2

Proposed Use Details: Relocation of a 1980's Mobile Home.  To view a copy of the redacted application, click here.

DECISION: Approved

Yellow Creek - Mobile Home

Location: Lot 1 Block 10, Plan CZ343 - 401 First Ave S

Relocation of a 1976 Mobile Home.  To view a copy of the redacted application, click here.

DECISION: Approved

Developmental Requirement Overview

  Building or developing and unsure what all is required by the RM?

  Wondering what is allowed on your property?

  Wondering what permits are required and what is exempt from one?

As a general guide, Zoning is looked at first to ensure your desired development or use of a property is authorized by the municipal Zoning Bylaw.  This is done between the applicant and the RM.  

Secondly, once a use is authorized then any buildings associated with that use must be authorized, this is done via the Building Bylaw between the applicant and the Building Official (inspector), the RM issues a building permit at the direction of the building official.

As a more detailed guide, please review the below 4-Step process:

Step 1.  Determine which Zoning District your property is in:

  • Agricultural - includes Round/Wolverine lake subdivision
  • Hamlet - Crystal Springs, Meskanaw, Tway, Yellow Creek, Waitville and Tarnopol
  • Lakeshore District 1 - Hunter subdivision, all Rhona Lake subdivision
  • Lakeshore District 2 - Barney's Bay and Eagle Bay
  • Lakeshore District 3 - Crystal Ridge

Step 2.  Determine if the desired use of your property is Exempt, Permitted or Discretionary.

Step 3.  Follow the appropriate process, shown below:

Step 4.  Submit a Building Permit application if required.

Zoning Bylaw & Official Community Plan

Zoning Bylaw

Bylaw 23-08, being a bylaw to regulate development within the RM of Invergordon in order to provide for the amenity of the area as well as for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality, was adopted on January 10, 2024 and is pending Ministerial approval

Official Community Plan

Bylaw 23-07, being a bylaw to provide a comprehensive policy framework to guide the physical, economic, social and cultural development of the RM of Invergordon, was adopted on January 10, 2024 and is pending Ministerial approval

Quick Summary:

  • All development and land use requires a Development Permit, unless exempted by the Zoning Bylaw.
  • If a use is deemed discretionary, it must be approved by Council and notice provided to the public and/or adjacent landowners for comment.
  • Typical turnaround time is 2 weeks for Permitted Uses which is approved by the Development Officer (Administrator) in the RM Office.
  • Turnaround time is 1 month+ for Discretionary Uses which must be reviewed by the Development Officer and presented to Council at a Council Meeting for consideration.  Council may ask for further information, clarification, documentation, studies, photos, etc in order to reach a decision on the application.  
  • Permitted Uses - permit fee $100.00
  • Discretionary Uses - permit fee $200.00
  • Once you've obtained a Development Permit, the next step is obtaining a Building Permit unless the use or building is exempt in accordance with the Building Bylaw (see below).

Click here to go to our Forms page to download a Development Permit

Building Bylaw

Bylaw 21-05, being a bylaw in respect to buildings within in the RM of Invergordon was adopted at the Regular Meeting held December 16, 2021 and was approved by the Building & Technical Standards Branch (SK Min. of Gov. Relations) on December 20, 2021.

Building Bylaw 21-05

Click here to go to our Forms page to download a Building Permit or Demolition/Removal Permit

Quick Summary:

  • This bylaw applies to matters governed by The Uniform Building & Accessibility Standards Act and the Regulations, including the National Building Code of Canada and the Administrative Requirements
  • All residences, including farm/rural residences require a Building Permit 
  • Farm buildings remain exempt, by legislation
  • Buildings under construction as of the date of adoption are exempt but the building standards remain applicable to an alteration, repair, renovation, demolition, relocation, removal or change of use or occupancy of such a building
  • Accessory buildings with a size less than 10m2 (108ft2) are exempt, provided they do not create a hazard
  • Demolition Permit required - $10.00 plus $500.00 deposit (refunded once site is cleaned-up post demolition)

Applying for a Building Permit to construct, erect, place, alter, repair, renovate or reconstruct a building

  • Application Form
  • Two (2) sets of plans & specifications
  • $50.00 Application Fee
  • Building Inspection Fee ($3.55 per $1000 of declared value of construction)

Building Inspections

  • MuniCode is the appointed building official for the RM
  • Inspections may include, but shall not be limited to:
    • Foundation inspection;
    • Framing inspection;
    • Final inspection;
    • Basement development pre-inspection;
    • Pre-move inspection.
  • www.municodeservices.com

  GOOD TO KNOW!  Fire Response Time & How It Affects Building Setbacks, Construction Materials

Residential areas in the RM will be impacted by increased setbacks, construction materials and standards as the RM of Invergordon does not meet the required Fire Response Time.  This means, even though the zoning setbacks may be 1.5m sides/rear and 6m front - the setbacks required by building codes may be greater than this, dependent on the size of your building, classification of your building, window placement etc.  Please plan accordingly.